
Photoshop Tutorial; Watercolour Effect.

I thought I'd show you guys another photoshop tutorial I've found, This one is to do with watercolours. You can download a set fo brushes from here and I got my textures from here. I found this tutorial online and I think it was pretty well explained, I managed to do it within 20 minutes of trial and error with the brushes. When they explain to get a watercolour texture and merge the layer, I just downloaded brushes instead and had more freedom of where they were placed. 
So this is the tutorial's final image: Click on the image for the tutorial btw.

And this was my final Image, I did it quite a bit different to the tutorial but you can tell when something looks good.

*hehe it looks like he's got a runny nose*

 To get it as your wallpaper the link is here

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