
New Blog Design.

Hey guys! I thought my blog needed a revamped style so I decided to draw a new header for it. I got my inspiration from seeing a picture of birds on a wire. (seen below.)
 And from then on I decided a font to go with it, I wanted the font to be flowy and to tie in with the theme, sort of calligraphic and tidy. I also wanted a feather tied in with it too because I usually wear either feather earrings or a gold feather necklace. (sometimes I wear a owl necklace with real feathers on it too :3)

So this is what I came up with:

This will soon be turned into a properly filled in pen and ink drawing.
But I will also turn it into an adobe file so I can play around with it on photoshop maybe.
I'm not sure if I'll do that yet, I want a kinda personal feel to my blog so I might just leave it hand drawn.

1 comment:

grenter said...

Love it!

Leave it hand drawn :P although would be interesting to see what you come up with.